WinArchiver Pro can make Linux bootable USB drive from ISO file, you can then use the USB drive to
boot the computer, and setup Linux or run live Linux from USB drive. All popular Linux
distributions are supported, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and etc. This function is only
available in WinArchiver Pro full version. You need order WinArchiver Pro
full version to use the feature. Please follow the steps to create bootable
USB drive for Linux.
1. Start WinArchiver Pro.
2. Choose the menu item, "Tools --> Create bootable USB drive...". The "boot
usb drive maker" dialog will display.

You may also need confirm UAC
dialog to continue.

3. Click "Browse" button to select the Linux ISO file as source
image file.

4. Select the USB drive from the
drive list. All data in the USB drive will be deleted when making the USB
drive bootable. Please make sure that you select the correct USB drive and
backed up all important files in the USB drive.
5. Select the appropriate boot
mode. Usually UEFI mode is suggested, which is suitable for most of modern
computers. You may also select "BIOS" or "BIOS & UEFI CSM"
mode if your computer or the Linux distro doesn't support UEFI booting. You
can click "More settings" button to view or change the partitions
which will be created in the usb drive.
6. Click "Start" button
to start creating bootable USB drive.
7. WinArchiver Pro will display a
warning dialog which prompts you that all data in the USB drive will be
erased. Please confirm again that you have selected the correct USB drive
and click "OK" to continue.

8. WinArchiver Pro will start
creating bootable USB drive for Linux. Depending on the Linux ISO file size and
the USB drive speed, it may take several minutes to finish the process.

9. WinArchiver Pro will show a
message box "Writing USB drive completed successfully." if there
is no error occurred during the above process.

10. You have now created bootable
USB drive for Linux. You need reboot your computer and configure
BIOS settings to boot from USB drive. The Linux setup file should load after
you save the BIOS settings and restart your computer. If it doesn't work,
please make sure that you have configured BIOS correctly or try another boot
mode when creating the bootable USB drive.